
Why Donate?

If you would like to participate in the work of bringing eye care to the underprivileged, you can make a general donation to support the work of the hospital.

On festive days, such as birthdays and anniversaries, perhaps one of you would like to share your good fortune with the less fortunate.  

Several camps have been sponsored in memory of a loved one.

For Offline Donation please contact us at :

Cataract Operation

Sponsor three cataract operations (SICS) for Rs. 12,000.00 (or more at Rs. 4,000/- per patient).

Names and addresses along with pictures of the patients will be sent.

Eye Camp

 Sponsor organization costs for a camp in a rural area for free cataract operations, taking care of the trips to finalise the venue and the local contacts, advertisement of the camp, costs for hiring furniture etc required, refreshments,  petrol and fees to staff involved – Rs. 10,000.00

Date, place and photos of the camp will be sent.

Cornea Treatment

If a poor patient unable to afford a cornea transplant comes, a cornea grafting with medicines for a year can be sponsored for Rs. 50.000.00. If you wish, we can contact you when such a patient comes.

Support the Hospital

Bihar Eye Trust is bringing sophisticated eye care to rich and poor alike at reasonable cost with a special thrust to reach the underprivileged. The Trust is also offering eye banking facilities, which are not normally offered by eye hospitals. Donations can give much needed support to ongoing work and improvements.

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