At 10 a.m. Dr. P. Sinha, Secretary, Bihar Eye Bank Trust, gave a talk to the students of the Nursing College in SDA Mission Hospital. About 100 students of B.Sc. Nursing, ANM and GNM were present.
The students were informed that Eye Donation Fortnight Is observed all over India from 25 August to 8 September every year to make people aware of the need for eye donation. Cataract is the biggest cause of blindness in India followed by corneal blindness. Whereas cataract can be remedied by operation with man-made lenses, corneal blindness can be removed only by eye transplant. The cornea, the transparent tissue in front of the iris which looks black, gets cloudy owing to malnutrition, illness or injury. If a healthy cornea from a dead man is transplanted, the blind man can see again. Therefore it is important for people to know about the plight of the corneally blind and they have to be motivated to donate the eyes of the dead. Instead of burning or burying the eyes, if the eyes are donated, they will continue to live even after the dead man in another body and bring light into a dark life.
The students were encouraged to sign pledges recording their wish to donate their eyes after death.
<p style=”text-align: left; font-weight: bolder; color: black;”><strong>- Dr. Pronoti Sinha, Secretary, Bihar Eye Bank Trust</strong></p>