Rkm operated patients with doctors…
For several years we have been fortunate to have the collaboration
of Ramkrishna Mission in organizing camps. As the Mission serves
many different areas, they are able to identify places which lack
eye care facilities. To help people in such places, free cataract
operation camps are held in which cataract patients are identified
and brought to the hospital for operation. Others are prescribed
medicine or given advice. Very often people in remote areas do not
have access to doctors or eye hospitals. If someone cannot see, his
family or friends label him as blind. Eye camps give such people a
chance to get a doctor’s advice and treatment or be operated if
In this picture on the left is Sri Siddhartha Ghosh, Trustee, then a
visitor, Swamijis from Ramkrishna Mission, Dr. D. N. Singh, staff
and Dr. Pronoti Sinha, Secretary with staff